Indie License

From: $14.90 / month

Available for individuals working on productions with UNDER $500K in total annual revenue or funding.


  • Indie licenses are available to individuals working on productions with under $500K in total annual revenue or funding.
  • Choose between monthly and yearly subscriptions.
  • To activate and use a license, an internet connection is required.
  • An account is needed to purchase a license. One will be created for you during checkout if you do not have one.
  • From your account page, you can manage your license subscription renewal.
  • As long as the license subscription remains active, the price will not increase (excluding discounts from coupons).
  • For convenience, the Indie license can be activated on two machines, e.g. your PC and your laptop. One of the activations will need to be deactivated before you can switch it to a 3rd machine.
  • Requirements: Microsoft Windows® operating system and Autodesk Maya® 2018-2024.

After you purchase a license, an API key will appear in your account page under the ‘API Keys’ tab.
To learn how to activate your license, click here.

Choose a subscription plan

Monthly, Yearly