Arise Changelog:
- [FEATURE] Added ‘Forward Axis Twist’ as a secondary attribute to the ‘Forward Axis’ attribute on FollowSkeleton attachment.
- [FEATURE] Enhanced the ‘Add Selected Maya Transform’ button for driven attributes (e.g., SpaceSwitch attachment spaces attributes). It now identifies if the selected transform is a ctrl or jnt of an Arise node and, if recognized, stores it as a TrackedItem.
- [FEATURE] Added ‘Default Space’ dropdown to SpaceSwitch attachment.
- [FEATURE] Auto update have been added, allowing Arise to be updated with a single click, eliminating the need for manual downloads of updates from now on.
- [FEATURE] The ‘Ribbon Joints’ attribute now supports a minimum of 2 joints, allowing for the creation of a basic game-engine rig when combined with FollowSkeleton. (Applicable Nodes: CA_Arm, CA_Leg, CA_Head, CA_Wing, CA_Quadruped_Back_Leg, CA_Quadruped_Front_Leg.)
- [FEATURE] New tutorial for FollowSkeleton, also FollowSkeleton attributes now have help buttons links to new tutorial.
- [FEATURE] Introduced functionality to create custom presets. Learn More
- [FEATURE] ‘CA_Biped_Game’ preset updated to reduce the number of ribbon joints in the arms/legs/spine/head.
- [BUG FIX] Fixed some landmarks orientations and errors on Guides AI tool.
- [BUG FIX] ‘AI Auto Guides Placement’ tool would open with broken viewport after first install of external libraries.
- [BUG FIX] Arise would stop operations when trying to load a very old save .ions file.
- [BUG FIX] Arise stops operating in some edge cases with HumanIK when mayaHIK plugin isn’t loaded.
- [BUG FIX] Loading MoCap animation using the MoCap tool would have messed up orientations when the rig wasn’t built in T pose.
- [BUG FIX] Added validation to SpaceSwitch to ensure the driven ctrl cannot be its own driver, preventing cycle errors.
- [BUG FIX] fix to Arise API command ‘type’ erroring.
- ‘Model Updater’ improved log feedback and handling of events.
- PostScript attachment has a new passed variable ‘node_version’.
- ‘Roundness’ attribute has been relocated to the ‘Ribbon Settings’ section as it directly pertains to ribbons. (Applicable Nodes: CA_Arm, CA_Leg, CA_Wing).
- Added ‘Arise’ as global variable to ‘Scene Settings’ ‘Pre/Post/Final Scripts’, enabling the use of API commands within these scripts.
- New ‘AI Auto Guides Placement’ tool (‘Edit’->’Guides’->’AI Auto Guides Placement’) lets you use AI pose-detection to automatically position a humanoid character guides.
- ‘FollowSkeleton’ new ‘Forward Axis’ attribute (X, Y, or Z) to allow user to change the forward (Facing down chain) axis orientation.
- [BUG FIX] ‘CA_Eye’ Micro Ctrls having slight movement when rotation the head in extreme poses.
- Nodes in ‘None’ state (Red) will select their Maya ‘module_grp’, if it exists, just like it does in ‘build’ and ‘template’ state.
- Side pins on Aim Guides are more noticeable for user.
- [BUG FIX] ‘CA_Tentacles’ would error when trying to delete its Maya elements during template/build.
- ‘Build’ and ‘Template’ icons have been colored to separate them from other buttons.
- Added ‘Update’ button next to every ‘Ctrls Scale’ so ctrls size can be updated live without a rebuild.
- Added support for relative imports in node modules. You can now place modules in the ‘utils’ folder of each Node version’s directory, and they will automatically be imported into your main module. For example, if you create a ‘’ file in the ‘utils’ folder containing a method ‘helper_method’, you can call on it using ‘helper_module.helper_method()’ from inside the node module.
- The ‘Vehicle_Body’ node now includes the ‘Add Four Wheels’ feature, adding four wheels with a suspension system.
- The ‘Car’ preset has been updated to utilize the new ‘Add Four Wheels’ suspension system.
- FK_Chain’ and ‘Dynamic_FK_Chain’ node can now have up to 200 joints.
- [BUG FIX] Fix to bug where Arise won’t open a 2nd time after closed.
- [BUG FIX] Fix to error when deleting a ‘Wheel’ node.
- Support for nodes and attachments to have an optional question mark button to explain how they work.
- ‘Rename’ attachment no longer requires ‘prefix’ and ‘suffix’ to be a min 3 characters long.
- Speed improvements to build process.
- Improvements to the logger UI and logic for improved speed.
- ‘Echo To Maya’ checkbox added to Maya log.
- New ‘Issue indicator’ added to log viewer top right corner. Learn More
- New ‘SpaceSwitch’ video tutorial. Can be reached from the attachment title ‘question mark’ button. Learn More
- Added ‘Apply Selected’ to ‘Batch Change Scale’ window.
- New cartoon ‘Roundness’ attribute on ‘CA_Arm’, ‘CA_Leg’, and ‘CA_Wing’ to round the limb shape the more it bends. Learn More
- Added ‘HumanIK’ attachments to ‘CA_Biped_Game’ preset. Now, with this preset, the user can use the ‘Rig Mocap Tester’ out of the box.
- [BUG] Fix Tab Nodes and Attachment popup window errors when filtering.
- Increased ‘SpaceSwitch’ spaces limit from 5 to 10.
- The ‘BlendshapesConn’ attachment is being phased out and will no longer be available by default. Users should switch to ‘ManualConnections,’ which offers all the functionalities of ‘BlendshapesConn’ and additional features. If you still need to use ‘BlendshapesConn,’ you can manually enable it by navigating to the attachments folder ‘arise\io_modules\io_modules_attachments’ and renaming ‘_BlendshapesConn’ by removing the underscore. Please note that ‘BlendshapesConn’ will be fully deprecated and removed in a few future versions.
- ‘CA_Arm’/’CA_Leg’ can now be reversed (bend backward) without flipping.
- ‘CA_Bird’ preset now uses the ‘CA_Leg’ node now that it supports reversed leg.
- ‘Model Updater’ now supports transferring Blendshapes too if model kept its vertex order. Learn More
- New ‘Guides View Mode’ next to the ‘solo’ button on the Arise shelf. Learn More
- Attributes now have an optional help link button to explain what it does. Learn More
- ‘FK_Chain’ joints limit is now 100 (Was 40).
- [BUG] Fix to PV ctrls aligning with zero pose but not world twist attribute.
- [BUG] Fixed Spider preset to work better with recent changes.
- [BUG] Fix to Maya 2020 losing support in the previous update.
- [BUG] ‘’ fixed for Maya 2025.
- Minor Model Updater bug fixes.
- The ‘CA_Leg,’ ‘CA_Quadruped_Front_Leg,’ and ‘CA_Quadruped_Back_Leg’ now include a ‘Toes Start Output’ attribute. This addition allows you to connect FK toes nodes to the legs.
- The ‘CA_Horse’ and ‘CA_Dog’ presets have been merged into a single preset called ‘CA_Quadruped’ due to their similarities. This change will not affect any scenes that previously used either of the original presets.
- New ‘Rig Mocap Tester’ Tool: Integrates with the ‘HumanIK’ attachment to test mocap animations on your rig. Learn More
- Maya 2025 Support: Updated for compatibility with QT6. Significant codebase changes. Please report any UI errors across all Maya versions.
- New Multi-Parents Guide: Allows multiple parents to influence the default position, orientation, and/or scale. Learn More
- Gradual Volume for Cartoon Feel: CA_Leg(s)/CA_Arm/CA_Spine/CA_Head/CA_Ribbon now have gradual volume enabled by default for a better cartoon effect.
- ‘CA_Wing’ Feathers updated to utilize the new Multi-Parents guide.
- [BUG FIX] Fix to thumb directional guide in CA_Fingers.
- ‘Model Updater’ now compares vertex order instead of just vertex counts.
- Pole Vector ctrls now align with a world axis when zeroed like the rest of the ctrls.
- Right-click on a table attribute ctrl or joint name to select it in Maya.
- [BUG FIX] If world up is Z the forward direction is now +Y instead of -Y.
- Support when Maya world up direction is Z.
- [BUG FIX] Modified license system to utilize Windows ID for tracking instead of MAC address due to some studio networks’ dynamic MAC addresses. Unfortunately, this change requires users to log in to their Arise account, navigate to ‘API Keys’, and reset the activation. After that, they need to reactivate the license from inside Arise Activate License window.
- [BUG FIX] HumanIK attachment errors on edge cases where attachment is deleted but Maya HIK mel code errors.
- [BUG FIX] ‘Model Validation’ window doesn’t force every transform to be frozen, only deformable objects transform.
- Direction Guides can now optionally orient with their ‘position_guide’ as well as move, this change is the desired behavior for the CA_Fingers, making it easier to orient. Users may need to reorient guides in rigs created with older versions.
- Better documentations for guides creating Learn More
- Even greater speed improvements to Arise build process.
- ‘CtrlsSettings’ new button ‘Update Ctrls’ lets you update the node ctrls without requiring a rebuild. Learn More
- New ‘HumanIK’ attachment. Learn More
- ‘CA_Quadruped_Back_Leg’ and ‘CA_Quadruped_Front_Leg’ now also have a ‘master_ctrl’, similar to ‘CA_Leg’. Also ‘master_ctrl’ now uses rotation attributes instead of translation, as a fix to scale issues and enhancing modularity.
- An ‘Auto Clavicle’ has been integrated into ‘CA_Arm’, ‘CA_Leg’, ‘CA_Quadruped_Back_Leg’, and ‘CA_Quadruped_Front_Leg’, along with bug fixes.
- API changes and new commands: ‘get_guides_position’, ‘set_guides_position’, ‘get_settings’, ‘set_settings’, ‘get_node_skinning_jnts’, ‘store_attachment_modifications’. Learn More
- Improved tracking for renamed ctrls and joints, which helps prevent Arise from getting confused during placeholders weights transfer and avoiding data loss in attachments. Attachments will continue to display the original names of ctrls and joints for consistency. (Might cause minor data lose if loading an older scene that used the ‘Rename’ attachment).
- The ‘Rename’ attachment now prevents the creation of duplicate names for ctrls or joints.
- Bug fixes on ‘Parent’ attachment.
- Added ‘locator_size’ column to ‘MoveablePivot’ attachment.
- ‘CA_Fingers’ master_ctrl new ‘relax’ attribute.
- [Bug Fix] Addressed a bug in the behavior of ‘CA_Spine’ IK ctrls when both ‘IK Ctrls Follow’ and ‘Clean Transformations’ are enabled, and the ‘IK FK Ctrls Count’ is set to 2 or more.
- [Bug Fix] All legs nodes ’tilt’ locators have zeroed values.
- Huge speed improvements during node build.
- New ‘ManualConnections’ attachment. Learn More
- New ‘Sticky Note’. Learn More
- Attachments can now be duplicated.
- ‘HelperTools’ Rearranged.
- [FIX] dump and placeholders indicators update more often.
- [FIX] ‘ConnectAttribute’ doesn’t errors silently.
- Many small bug fixes.
- Auto Clavicle feature added to ‘CA_Arm’.
- ‘FollowSkeleton’ will not have -1 scale on mirrored nodes, instead it will have flipped Z orientations as this is the preferred behavior in most cases. (Can be easily changed with a PostScript).
- API command ‘list_commands’ to see all the API commands and their arguments. Learn More
- [Bug Fix]: ‘Save To Maya Scene’ will save even if ‘rig_root_grp’ doesn’t exist yet.
- [Bug Fix]: ‘CtrlsShapes’ ‘Save Modifications’ for deformed ctrls.
- ‘Scene Settings’ window that saves settings with scene such as ctrls/joints suffix/color and scripts. Learn More
- All attachments can now be created using the ‘Batch’ menu ‘Add Attachment To Selected Nodes’.
- Fix ‘FollowSkeleton’ sheering joints because first FS joint has scale constraint.
- ‘Pass Variables’ popup in PostScript ‘Help’ menu.
- Replaced Arms/Legs/Head twist logic with a stable solution (No flipping before 180 degrees).
- Arm/Leg twist now spread evenly and linearly along the ribbons, giving nicer deformations.
- When creating custom nodes, you can now create custom driver/driven attributes to establish unique connections between nodes. Learn More
- ‘FollowSkeleton’ tweaks to support HumanIK.
- Nodes get sorted by topological order before every build.
- Fix ‘PostScript’ UI not refreshing on pasting settings or undo.
- Fix license connection to server bug.
- Fix ‘ModelUpdater’ ‘VertexCount’ bug.
- Force Maya to display tooltips.
- New ctrl shapes: ‘box_edges’, ‘squares_arrows_4_way’, and ‘arrow_6_way’. Learn More
- Fix to ‘MakeDyniamic’ collisions when node is mirrored.
- Fix docs tab links color to readable color.
- Updated nodes docs with latest from online docs including links to videos.
- Added video tutorial link to ‘ModelUpdater’ help menu.
- Fix attribute text clipping when screen has different resolutions or when a higher DPI/PPI is set.
- PostScript new execution order attribute enables you to define when the PostScript will be executed in the Arise build process—whether it’s after the nodes build pass, after the connections pass, or after everything.
- New API commands: list_placeholders, transfer_weights.
- New ‘Wheel’ node. Learn More
- New ‘Vehicle_Body’ node. Learn More
- New ‘Path’ node. Learn More
- New ‘Car’ preset.
- New ‘Motorcycle’ preset.
- Added support for Maya 2024.
- Fix bug with ‘CA_Mouth’ zipper not working on Mayas 2020 and later versions.
- ‘MakeDynamic’ now supports collisions by connecting to a nucleus node.
- Added a new attribute ‘anim follow base pos‘ (range: 0.0-0.99) to the ‘simulation_ctrl’ of ‘MakeDynamic’ for controlling starting position of ‘anim follow base’ falloff.
- Included new API commands: select_nodes, list_attrs, type, and arise_version.
- Fix for if the rig is too small, the ‘CA_Leg’ ‘master_ctrl’ must cover a great distance to achieve the desired tilt.
- Bug fix with ‘Transfer Weight Tool’.
- Fix to attachment ‘AddGroupAbove’ group name not including ctrl name in version 1.02.00.
- A new ctrl shape: ‘rotate’.
- ‘Insert SetAttr Code Snippet‘ button on PostScript uses the node short name now.
- Bug fix with TrackedItem when choosing a joint.
- Arise version number now displayed in main window title.
- Fix the issue with the ‘Ctrls Scale’ attribute on the ‘CA_Eye’ node not affecting the ctrls correctly.
- Fix to ‘RigExport’ bugs.
- Fixed ‘Two_Joints_IK’ node to properly affect tip_jnt scale by tip_ctrl, when secondary ctrl is present.
- [IMPORTANT!] To support major changes, some destructive alterations were necessary. As a result, older saved scenes may not function properly. Mostly Attachments attributes might need re-editing.
- New ‘Rename’ attachment to rename individual ctrls and joints. Learn More
- Can now change the joints and ctrls suffix from the Preferences window to match your pipeline needs.
- Introducing a new API (alpha) designed to enhance Arise workflows by streamlining processes. Learn More
- Can now change the joints default color from the Preferences window.
- Attachments that create joints, such as ‘HelperJoints’, ‘FollowJoints’, ‘MakeDynamic’, now give you the option to modify those new joints color.
- Driven Connection Attributes now support ‘tracked nodes’ (Right-click on attribute). Learn More
- SpaceSwitch Search & Replace has been improved and also now support the new ‘tracked nodes’.
- Presets have been modified for consistency and to support the new ‘tracked nodes’.
- Removed ‘Path To Docs’ from Preferences window (Not needed).
- Bug fixes for ‘FollowSkeleton’.
- Bug fixes for ‘MakeDynamic’.
- Reordered nodes’ joints so that they appear in an organized manner in the table attributes.
- Reordered nodes’ ctrls so that they appear in an organized manner in the table attributes.
- The ‘Base’ node now includes a checkbox that allows users to tag its joint as a “skinning joint”.
- Bug fix where middle-clicking wouldn’t always scroll to the attachment attributes.
- Bug fix when undo a disabled node or attachment wouldn’t refresh the user interface.
- Bug fix with ‘collapse/extend all’ buttons in the Arise Attributes Editor.
- When using the ‘AddAttribute’ attachment, you can now set the value of a string attribute.
- Improved build speed of Arise.
- ‘CtrlsSettings’ attachment has a new ‘tag_as_ctrl’ checkbox so users can now choose to exclude a particular ctrl from being identified as such by Arise. This feature is especially useful when you set a ctrl shape to ‘None’, and you don’t want Arise tools to select it.
- Fix to float attributes only taking integers on machines with locale set to other languages.
- ‘AutoSave To Maya Scene’ checkbox moved to preference window.
- Restructure of ‘Batch’ menu.
- Bug fix with displaying floats in tree/table attribute.
- Implement a tree/table attribute’s right-click context menu option to allows users to remove modifications made to a specific cell.
- Modifying tree/table attribute cells now requires a double-click (2 left-clicks) instead of 3 clicks.
- New ‘CA_Biped_Game’ preset—a game engine-ready version of ‘CA_Biped’ with FollowSkeleton setup.
- ‘MakeDynamic’ now supports minimum of 2 joints instead of 3.
- Scroll to attachment settings shortcut changed from Middle-Click + Ctrl + Shift to only Middle-Click on attachment shape.
- New ‘HelperJoint’ attachment. Learn More
- Added to RigExport a new check that searches the Maya scene for script nodes ‘viruses’ such as “vaccine_gene” and “breed_gene”. MayaScanner plugin should be installed for a more complete solution.
- ‘Helper Tools’ > ‘Scale Ctrls’ slider added.
- ‘joint_vis’ attribute passes through the node tree automatically now. Used by the Base node to hide the joints.
- ‘’ is now editable by the user if he wants to add/change the default ctrls shapes.
- Maya nodes created in ‘PostScript’ are deleted before the rest of the nodes are deleted.
- CA_Arm, CA_Leg, CA_Quadruped_Back_Leg, CA_Quadruped_Front_Leg, and CA_Wing ‘switch_ctrls’ now have their visibility attribute hidden by default.
- Autosaves to scene when switching to Template mode.
- New save to scene button under ‘File’->’Save’->Save To Maya Scene’ (shortcut: Shift + S)
- Fix for copy settings not working on some attachments (like CtrlsShape).
- ‘Helper Tools’ > ‘Skin Selected’ now has an options menu to let users adjust the skinning settings. The options menu is the same as Maya’s ‘Bind Skin’ menu but with a few of the skinning options removed since they do not work with Arise logic.
- CA_Leg ‘master_ctrl’ now affected by ‘toes_ctrl’ and ‘heel_ctrl’ pivot locators.
- Attributes ‘Ctrls Scale’ now also affect position offset of Bezier Ctrls and Switch Ctrl. (Might affect existing rigs).
- New tool ‘Batch’->’Batch Change Scale’, opens a UI which lets you scale all the nodes ‘Ctrls Scale’ attributes and lets you scale all the nodes guides.
- Removed ‘Global Scale Ctrls’ from the preference window as it didn’t match a consistent logic. Use the new ‘Batch Change Scale’ instead.
- Model Validation new check for lamina faces.
- Ctrls now have their visibility attribute locked and hidden by default, but users can change this using the ‘CtrlsLockHideAttributes’ attachment.
- Display Guide Curves can now be modified to a different guide that isn’t the parent guide.
- Bug fix where nodes not appearing in different versions of Maya if saving preferences.
- Bug fix when creating a node/attachment/preset from version window.
- Added collapse/extend all node & attachments sections buttons in DynamicAttributesEditor. Learn More
- Mouse Middle-Click + Shift + Ctrl on a node or attachment will scroll to its attributes in the DynamicAttributesEditor.
- Can now copy settings (attributes values) between matching nodes and attachments from Right-click context menu.
- Right-click on a SpaceSwitch attachment will give options to ‘Search & Replace’ keywords in the attachment spaces values. Learn More
- Added visibility toggle buttons for new and old meshes in the Model Updater window.
- Right-Click context menu added to compare items in Model Updater table.
- Fix bug with CustomDriven in Mayas using Python 3 (Maya 2022 and 2023).
- Fix bug where mirrored nodes with FollowSkeleton attachment get a transform above their first FS joint.
- Fix to Bezier curve to behave like a weighted curve instead of smoothing the curve.
- Changed default colors to Left=Blue, Right=Red.
- can handle deleting the shelf first if the shelf exists already.
- Fixed broken undo/redo for attachment changes.
- Minor bug fixes.
- CA_Wing has new ‘Auto Orient’ checkbox.
- Table attributes height can be changed from preference window.
- Fixed bug when attachments that store connections don’t disconnect them before being deleted.
- New way to save/load scene by storing the Arise scene inside the Maya scene. Only 1 Maya scene to worried about. Learn More
- ‘New Scene’ now allows you to choose between deleting the Arise Maya nodes or not.
- [BUG] PostScript global variables are now passed correctly.
- Ctrls default colors can now be changed from preferences window.
- Fix QSettings erroring on Maya 2020 (pyside2 bug [PYSIDE-1130])
- General bug fixes.
- Added support for Python 3, meaning Arise now works on Maya versions: 2018-2023
- Fix ModelValidation opening with empty window.
- Fix RigExporter not working.
- Added link to Changelog to new version window.